Janie is 2.5 months old now and is at one of my favorite stages. She now notices her surroundings and can see us and will offer a big smile whenever we give her attention. I will make sure to update this post with a pic or video clip as soon as I can but I thoroughly enjoy this time. I feel as though this is the time where she gets to know me and recognize me as being her daddy.
Janie has a very different personality from Karlie. She seems for the most part more laid back and easy going. She definately is alot stronger, already holding up her head and even able to balance sitting up pretty well. Sometimes her strength amazes me. She has this death grip where she will hold onto things or just grip really tight with her fingers and toes that moving her becomes just a little difficult making me laugh. She'll also give out some good beatings with her leg reflex kicks when she is sitting next to you so watch out.